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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New prophecy From the lord To The Nation's And People .

Feb 5th 2014 ) USA will force Israel   to sign the peace treaty sayeth the lord. And the Pope will help it to be done cause he wants (to give the Israel land away .USA and Russia and China will fight for  Damaus .Russia and China don't want USA to get it to set a military command center there. Damaus will become a heap of rubble sayeth the lord. It will be a place where Birds dwell sayeth the lord..Iran and Israel will have a war. Also lebanon and China will move toward  Israel .                                                                                                                                                                                                          The USA will cut of Israel  as well..This all being done to asher in the beast. the lord sayeth the beast is here already it is Technology as well for it will change massively. Things will be able to be done we could never do before.Nations will begin to collapse sayeth the lord..China will put pressure  on President Obama. Russia is arming our enemy,in Columbia, Mexico,Canada broder's  to attack USA.                                                                                                                                                          Food and  Taxes will rise ). The rich will fall the poor will rise sayeth  the lord. many Suicide coming from the rich when they fall.Murder will rise all around the world ,Especially USA sayeth the lord.  North Korea will send a nuke to USA .sayeth the lord.  As well as Locust is on its way USA to your field's sayeth the lord.   As well as China will own our fields /And The USA Church will begin to be attack Badly. It will become hard to be a Christ like Child because of such persecution  .However we must endure sayeth the lord and hold fast  in him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Prepare Texas ,Mexico Indonesia ,New Orleans Water will cover you and your land sayeth the lord.      USA  Wave of Water will over take your land also watch your sky sayeth the lord.. Violent will sweep her land  from the sky as well sayeth the lord.And around the world Like China,Japan, Greece,Italy sayeth the lord. Earth Quake in London, California ,Rome & Greece also  California will be Flooded .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  China & Russia   will shake with Earth Quakes sayeth the lord.There will be Volcano In Ireland,Flooding in Canada & also  India  again. ,China &  Japan  Houston Texas & New Zealand sayeth the lord.   Earthquakes shake the land of England ,Ireland  ,Mexico  ,Russia   Italy, Germany Rome Russia ,Egrup  they will have much damage to their land sayeth the lord   Egyup will be  nothing only  dust a severe  drouth will once again come upon the land like in ancient days sayeth the lord.                                                                                                                                                                    There will be a heat plaque like a virus that will be air born upon USA land and oversea sayeth the lord  The Sun will grow stronger  will see more solar flares. One will come so big it will knock out power in many places sayeth  the lord.. The Sun will  become dangerous sayeth the lord. Also big Flare will come from the sky, Hail will fall  in the world in different places dangerous hail. Also Dangerous killer Lightning Storm   Lastly A Star will fall in Israel and Ireland and cause Major damage                                                                                                                                                                Yahuveh God sayeth he will punish those who go against Israel God will punish them sayeth the lord      Revelation Whole Chapter 11, Whole Chapter  12,   Whole Chapter  13 Thus sayeth the lord In yahweh name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hello Seekers Of Yahweh In prayer the Lord remind me I left our some of his word he gave me yesterday . So I must add it .Here is the word of the Lord  I also forgot to put Tennessee . and Oklahoma have to add it today they will be flooded and one will have a quake as well. Alabama as well  Kentucky and Kansas and  Mission  will have distree too flood s quakes and fire .Solar flare will fall upon many southern area in USA  and world and Nations Sayeth the Lord .