Get to Heaven blog is a Prophetic blog and teaching blog as well. That will keep you in the know of Abba Yahuah Elohim Holy Spirit and Yahushua Jesus Be Blessed Apostle Rosalind Solomon
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Friday, June 13, 2014
Please Pray For( CHICAGO) /Something Could Happen between July 4th and Memorial Day where there is going to be a lot of people. It will be a huge exposion from sky or from under the water
Last year twice and this year three times destruction for Chicago First a military attack .Second Sear' Tower being bomb.Now a huge explosion by the navy pier by water I made video on my YouTube channel about it..I don't know which one is coming first. However I feel something may happen this year between July and September 2014. The lord told me in 2012 that 2013 was going to be bad far as weather and Earth quakes and tornado ect and snow, massive flooding famine animals dying ect..And that 2014 lots of live's would be lost. He show me this while I was on the toilet in Sept. 2012 with three 9; and money falling from sky this is when he began to tell me about the collapse of dollar that will take place soon. It will not totally collapse all at once however it will evenly collapse sayeth the lord.And so will America one day sayeth the lord.. Also in Dec 2013 its on this blog .God sayeth all must cross over this year .After this year it could become hard to cross over the salvation bridge . Cause many lives will be taken in a instance they wont see it coming the lord sayeth to me. There will still be time the door wont close however it will get harder the world will become so wicket by then and it is surely heading down that wicket path now .So please my brother and sister saints of God pray for CHICAGO AND USA and the World of Other Nation.s too get it right with God in Yahweh name before they all perish to hell. Also This is a Plan ATtack sayeth the lord on that sate as well. God just gave me a word it is on my recent video I did yesterday. The wrath of God is coming on USA in coming days and another video I did two weeks ago It has almost 6,000 YouTube looks people taking the word of God seriously .I wish the whole world would.. And last week I made a video God told me Bible Prophesy where going to begin to come to past. A lot of stuff we think is bible from God is from man .God told me that too and it is in a video and on this blog. Now we will see god bible word;s come alive that is in Revelation and through out the bible .this is end days people brace your self pray and fast cry out to God. Be watch men on the wall. Pray for all not just family,pray for enemy too and the ones who do you wrong This is God word and commandment of all saints and saints to come. I cry sometimes when I think of all that has happen and will happen. Put then Yahweh dry's my tear's and say to me .All must come to past to give other's a chance to come to me and so I can come for you and your love ones and your brethren on this earth.Then Yahweh always sayeth to me I love you Rosalind Solomon sweet daughter of mines.