Prayers for November
1. This month I reject satanic voices; Holy Spirit ignite my thoughts with your fire in Jesus name.
2. Fire of God, visit my foundation, visit my bloodline, visit my family tree in the name of Jesus.
3. Fire of the God of Elijah, arise and pursue my pursuers in the name of Jesus.
4. This month, tragedy and untimely death shall not be my portion; owners of evil load,
carry your load by fire in the name of Jesus.
carry your load by fire in the name of Jesus.
5. O LORD, build your hedge of fire around me and my family in Jesus name.
6. My dream life receive fire in the name of Jesus.
7. O God arise and fight my battles for me in the name of Jesus. 8- Lord renew my beauty like that of an eagle” In Jesus 9-All my virtues presently buried in say your name in my place of birth, receive resurrection anointing, come forth now in the name of Jesus” 10-Toall your enmey As you have done it shall be done to you. Your divine judgement by fire, sword and whirlwind shall return on your own heard.