I YAHUAH Elohim Whirlwinds is coming to scatter, to shake, to separate, TO MOVE TO MISPLACE to sift and shift the nations of the earth, for the MANY days are coming when the righteous will cry out these are the days of Elijah AND EVEN MOSES, but the CRY OF THE wicked will cry out these are the days of OF THE FLOOD OF Noah and SO many WILL AND shall look for a way of ESCAPING and WILL NOT find none AT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!”MY Whirlwinds of My Spirit will gather ALL the wheat and scatter ALL the tares.
MY Whirlwinds of I YAHUAH ELOHIM Spirit will cause a great shaking, sifting and shifting MISPLACING A TAKING AWAY AND MORE to take place in MANY OF THE nations ON THIS EARTH THE HABITABLE PLACE OF MANKIND .