he enemy satan always shows us what will happen through movies and T, V, shows and commercial and entertainment, etc.
But what people do not see and get is, that satan is creating theses things to manisfest.,
Well, he will show it to the masses of mankind and they then believe it takes it in or ignore it or think it is not real or does not exist and except it.
And man does not pray against it at all. So satan has no fight in prayer against him from mankind
So it comes to past
Example like the Simpsons cartoon. If you research this even the coronavirus was predicted on there,
God's creations are excepting this in their souls.
Your eyes are the windows to your soul, the soul has its own eyes. However, it can only see what's going on in the inside of it aka within the soul...
The soul can only begin to see what's on the outside when it draws off the spirit. the soul is the keeper of your emotions and images .S o if your soul eyes except it so shall it come to past.
So now you know so pray against satan plans before they manifest in our earth !!!! in Yah Jesus name