Altars are no ordinary demons or evil forces. Evil altars are ruling demons called principalities (demonic princes) and powers; entities, goddesses, strongman, idols, strange gods, demonic kings, evil thrones and dominions. Evil altars in second heaven control whatever that’s on the ground in shaping destinies of people, places, cities, regions, communities, and countries. Altars slaughter truncates and alters destinies. Even though dreams, evil altars use the sleeping state to manipulate dreams to manipulate the process of individual destinies.
You can have astral altars and human altars -tree altars -dirt altars- ground altars-Earth altar -witchcraft altar-marine power altars- Forrest altars- wilderness altars-sky and cloud altars family altars generational altars blood altars -perversion and sexual altars. Bondage altars- captivity altars and many more. This is why many of Gods children cannot get deliverance cannot get breakthrough or full deliverance
This will be one out of 4 of my teaching aim doing on March 21st 6 to 10 pm est telephone conference you will get deliverance in Yah Jesus name You to pay the 30 dollars through pay pal or PayPal button on middle right side leave email in PayPal message box. You will get class info three days prior. Also, there will be an access code to call in if you miss it be blessed for the USA ONLY !!!
to class
I have a book called defeating the grave on this will teach you how to be deliverance from God.
BOOK From THE grave show you how to be delivered from grave family curses and grave clothes they make you wear in the spirit and deliver you from the spiritual coffin they can place a human in to defeat them or kill them and much more on Barnes and nobles be bless