Rejoice My Children, My Fire Comes!
Prophecy receive by Evelyn on 9/11/14
Rejoice my children for your time has come! Oh my children
rejoice! Is your God a mighty God? Is He
not able to fulfill His promises to you? Is the wicked one
greater than He? Is your God trembling? I am
not trembling but your enemy trembles at your rising! My
light comes. It shines in the darkness, what a
great light it is!
My children rejoice for your light has come! Many of my
children have remained faithful through the
time of preparation, through the time of refining through
the time of testing. Now my great fire comes
upon you. Are you ready my children for a great baptism of
my fire? Great power comes upon my
chosen ones.
Great fire is now being poured upon my beloved! You have
longed for this hour. You have remained
faithful in a dry and thirsty land. You have experienced
famine, you have experience drought! You have
remembered my name and my promises. Open wide your mouth my
children. I am sending the rain of
my presence upon your souls. My Kingdom comes, my will shall
be done! The fire of my glory burns in
and on you!
Can I trust you with my fire? I have found many to be trust
worthy indeed! Great exploits of power you
shall do! Through you many will turn to me. Rejoice my
children, rejoice for your time has come!
Evelyn Thoughts:
• The fire that is spoken of here is the anointing, the
power to do the end time works of God. The
anointing’s will be different depending on what your calling
• We all already have gifts and anointing’s –supernatural
abilities and callings. The fire is Holy
Spirit igniting those with His power.
• We are all on different levels.
• This word is first to the mature that have given
themselves to the Lord for preparation. You
know who you are.
• However; this is an ongoing work. Many more that do not
initially receive this will if they
continue on the path God has them on.
• There is still more preparation, there is still more
character building going on and still more
• This has already begun and will continue.
• Don’t let the enemy beat up your mind over this. He may
say to you that you have failed and
that God will never give you the fire of His Spirit. Satan
is a liar. This is what he wants you to
• If you have failed or fallen, God will pick you up and
restore. Repent and just keep walking. You
have not been disqualified if you keep walking.
• If you feel you have not submitted and have wasted time.
God can redeem that time. He is
merciful and gracious and kind. Just keep walking. • This
should be our prayer. Lord test me and try me. When I am ready for this fire,
engulf me
but until I can carry it without hurting myself, others or
your kingdom, I don’t want it. Prepare
me thoroughly Lord and let me walking in your power.
• We must have the heart of God. We must be surrendered
whole heartedly to Him will. Fire
will descend upon the 5 fold ministry!
Vision Received by La Toya Brooks 8-28-14
The Vision
• Eagle with gold eyes
• Sound of a shofar – trumpet
• The eagle acknowledges the sound by looking in its
• The eagles takes off
• He goes to a burning bush and He picks up the fire
• He carries it to a desert where there are 5 bushes in
• The eagle drops the fire onto the bushes and they all are
engulfed in the fire.
• The roots from all the bushes grew and entwined one
1. Eagle with gold eyes: this represents the watchmen, the
seers or the prophetic
anointing. Both watching and listening to see what the Lord
says and does and how He
instructs us.
The Gold eye represent eyes submitted to God. Eyes that see.
Gods anointing on them
2. The sound of the shofar or trumpet: alerted the seer that
it was God’s appointed time
for something.
3. The eagle flying: Is equivalent to the seer (watchman)
declaring, what He is seeing.
4. The burning bush: the burning bush of Moses representing
God’s fire, His power, the
deliverance anointing. The anointing that meets the calling!
The power to set the
captives free to go out from under pharaoh and know, serve
and worship their God.
• Pharaoh is satanic, it is an anti-Christ spirit within and
outside of the church that
fights to hold God’s children and his creation in captivity.
5. The eagle picks up the burning bush and carries it to 5
other bushes:
• The five other bushes represent the fivefold ministry
• The apostolic, the shepherds, the evangelists, the
teachers and the prophets.
• This is the true leaders of the church. Some already are
leaders and some are
hidden for this purpose being refined by fire. No one knows
them yet. They have
been trained and equipped and prepared by God Himself. Page
| 2
• They are seasoned and matured by God, trust worthy to care
His fire.
• Their promotion is here and many not called to 5 • They are seasoned and matured
by God, trust worthy to care His fire.
• Their promotion is here and many not called to 5 fold
ministry leadership will also be
• Everyone that is submitted to God will receive God’s fire
to do the end time works in
whatever way God has called you to.
• The fire: represents the anointing, the power of God
• for the sake of destroying the works of darkness and
setting the captives free is
about to come up the 5 fold ministers like never before.
Dunamus, explosive power.
6. The roots: This fire will bind the true church leaders
together as one. Unity, love and
power. (that is something that has never happened before but
it is coming!)
• It is going to cause the entire church to explode in God’s
baptism of fire!!
The Moses anointing: The deliverance anointing
• Exo 3:1-12 MKJV And Moses kept the flock of his
father-in-law Jethro, the priest
of Midian. And he led the flock to the back side of the
desert. And he came to
the mountain of God, to Horeb. (2) And the Angel of Jehovah
appeared to him
in a flame of fire, out of the midst of a thorn bush. And he
looked. And behold!
The thorn bush burned with fire! And the thorn bush was not
burned up. (3)
And Moses said, I will now turn aside and see this great
sight, why the thorn
bush is not burned up. (4) And Jehovah saw that he had
turned aside to see.
God called to him out of the midst of the thorn bush, and
said, Moses! Moses!
And he said, Here I am. (5) And He said, Do not come near
here. Pull off your
sandals from your feet, for the place on which you stand is
holy ground. (6) And
He said, I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham,
the God of Isaac, and
the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid
to look upon God.
(7) And Jehovah said, I have surely seen the affliction of
My people who are in
Egypt; I have heard their cry because of their taskmasters;
for I know their
sorrows. (8) And I am coming down to deliver them out of the
hand of the
Egyptians, to bring them up out of that land, to a good
land, a large land, to a
land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the
Canaanites, and the
Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the
Hivites and the Jebusites.
(9) And now behold, the cry of the sons of Israel has come
to Me. And I have
also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress
them. (10) And now
go, and I will send you to Pharaoh, that you may bring forth
My people, the sons
of Israel, out of Egypt. (11) And Moses said to God, Who am
I that I should go to
Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the sons of Israel
out of Egypt? (12) And
He said, I will be with you. And this shall be the sign to
you that I have sent you: Page | 3
When you have brought forth the people out of Egypt, you
shall serve God upon
this mountain.
Final Thoughts:
• It will come in many ways in many different expression.
Through signs, wonders and
miracles, through creative arts, through new skills, through
media, through technology,
through business, there are many gifting’s and many
anointing’s. Everything good
comes from the Lord.
• Great angelic assistance!
• Jesus is taking control of His church!
• He is going to set things in order.
• A great deliverance is coming and it will come in many
• The false (pharaohs) (antichrist spirit) will war against
the true church, but it will not
• This fire will bring great persecution but great
fruitfulness and great joy!