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Thursday, February 20, 2014

New Word From God & Prayers From Yahweh & Me .Feb 20th 2014

Feb 20th 2014 Thus  sayeth the lord a Massive explosion will once again happen in New York. The Times square explosion  God  sayeth to me in Oct 2013 happen In Dec.2013 night of supper bowl.. The lord sayeth it shall be another and it will be from  a secret meeting that is being done and decided and it will be a satanic scarf ice innocent blood, It will be like a 911 all over again. The lord did not say if many will die like 911 .Put many will perish.,There will be some cracking sound from this building before it fall's                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The lord has already sayeth this in previous words on this blog ( China) will have Supper Massive Quake and Flood's    The lord has given this word on this blog about Volcano oversea and In USA. A Huge Volcano across the water like a Massive Explosion  will come It will shock many the world.  This is Judgement on them sayeth the lord                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The lord sayeth many snakes demons on this  earth looking to devour whom ever they can.The lord again tells me to say ,Anoint your house windows and doors,electrical socket, floor's,bed sheet's with anointing oil. this is very important.(This is not a joke). Also anoint your self and teach family to do it anoint your cars even closet and walls in the closet for blessing of your clothes  ect. shoes coat. and your refrigerator this will bless your food you enter in it sayeth the lord the food                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The lord sayeth again cover your self and family and all that he gives you in the blood of Yahweh every day .And pray to keep your hedge of protection around you sealed with fire of Holy spirit and blood of Yahweh.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (Theses prayers where just created today by Yah and I and will Go in my new Prayer book Yah and I wrote Be Bless.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Binding Evil Spirit from Your House and Temple's Prayer  By Yah & Roz)                                                                                                                                                                                                     I bind all evil spirit in this house you lying deceiving evil spirit     In the name of Yahweh aka King Jesus Christ. The work you have been    doing or trying to do in this house stop's now. You will no longer be able     to do your work in this family and house and temple's again.I come against     you  in the name of Yahweh ,I bleed the blood of Yahweh against you now In     Yahweh name. I bind you up .for  it is written repeat 3 times I have power and   authority as it says in Luke 10-19 I have all power of Yahweh to trample all      over   You .I now bound you in the name of Yahweh ,you can no longer work here. No evil shall enter here no more .in Yahweh aka King Jesus Christ name Sealed in the Mighty Name of Yahweh aka King Jesus Christ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Also Thank Yahweh for praying over you like he does in heaven 24/7 to and for Father God Ask God to send Mighty Angels over you and family to heal you and   Family  and to protect you and family and the hedge of protection you around you and family in Yahweh name. Sayeth the lord                                                                                                                                                                                                         ((Binding satan The Enemy Prayer  By Yah & Roz)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I stomp you to the ground satan, In Yahweh Mighty Name, You stay away from me and my    Temple and My Family and their Temple.I bind you up I have all power over you satan in the Mighty name of Yahweh aka King Jesus Christ .I bind you up  I bound you satan ,I cast you to  the fiery Pitts of Hell under  the feet of Yahweh,where you belong In Yahweh name    I seal this in the blood of My Mighty Savior King Yahweh name .Now go In Yahweh Mighty name .Amen