Apr 18, 2014
Attention all ye inhabitants of the earth! This is the Savior of the universe. I am Yeshua to some and Jesus Christ to others. My children, I am speaking through my servant Gwendolen at this time to bring a very important message to you. Do you know how close my arrival is dear children? Do you know that I am in need of your prayers too? My children, I need your prayers and you also need to pray to me and my Father for the things that are about to fall upon your earth are not for the faint of heart. Children, there will be many casualties from the judgments of your God and you are not ready to meet your maker, are you? Please my children, I implore you to go into your prayer closets and lay prostate before your God asking me to purify you in order to escape all the things that are about to befall your planet. Children, my Father's wrath is second to none and when he arrives every head will turn and see that my Father means business. He is trying to get the attention of the inhabitants of the earth and he will do just that. Call out to me your Lord and Savior and see to it that you also pray for me for the things that I have to do are very hard on my heart too. I am a loving God. I am a mighty God. I do not enjoy seeing destruction befall your planet, but just as the cities of old that turned their backs on their one true God learned, so will the world learn. They must learn that manipulating mankind and oppressing the weak and poor is not acceptable to me or my Father. No children, when someone or something interferes with my plan for mankind I must respond and respond is what my Father and I will do. I am coming in the clouds dear children. I am coming soon! I am holding my servant daughter responsible for this message and the blood will be on her hands if she does not obey me in this matter. My children please cry out to me at this late hour. I am on my way!