The Lord spoke to me and said "Do not be a slave to this worlds' system." And the Lord went on, "Do you have expectations from the world to take care of you and solve your needs, or do you have expectations that I the Lord will do it." The Lord said, "the worlds system is to "MANIPULATE, DECEIVE, USE, LIE TO TO GET THEIR WAY, THREATS, MAKE YOU SUBMIT TO THEM, TAKE FROM YOU, and INTIMIDATE you. The Lord said, "Sadly, that one of the worse one's is that of "NOT KEEPING YOUR WOR...D TO OTHERS."
The Lord said, "The world's system has crept into a place where it does not belong and that is the church. The COMPROMISED BELIEVER has substituted and allowed the world's system into their life creating a FALSE CHURCH that the world wants, and that is a church that has been popping up like atheist churches and churches that are led by homosexuals. And seeker friendly churches that are not preaching the full Gospel. These kinds of churches are of this world, NOT the kingdom of God. This world wants to be a one world Religion with no power because they have unplugged there lamp from the source of the true power of YAHWEH Christ.The problem is this with the world they want religion the Lord of the Heaven wants a relationship with you