The forming of two different species into one
There are 446 references to the "blood" in the Bible. In reading through them, it is very clear that God is very serious of this creation of His. I also found references to cleanliness. I can't help but conclude that injecting animal DNA, foreign animal viruses, human and animal aborted fetal cells tissues, and the most toxic substances of the earth go against God's intent with our blood stream. When looking at the list of ingredients, there are two main assaults made to the human body in the name of public health: The sanctity of life is literally butchered by way of abortions which contribute to vaccine manufacturing. There is the contamination of the blood. Our life line. His creation. Messing with God's creation in this manner has resulted into a minimum average of 3,000 SIDS cases annually.
Bottom line every one that has received any shots needs to DETOX ASAP! Why you ask? Because the TOXIC load of chemicals are still in the body and cells are replicating. Every day, and months that go by immunity will decrease. This is part of the reason why many off the common diseases like Autism, ADD/ADHD, Diabetes, Lupus, Heart problems, Asthma, Alzheimer, Parkinson's manifest early or later in life.