My Prophetic Insights for 5776
During the 10 Days of Awe, many prophetic Believers receive revelatory dreams and visions from the Lord as they consecrate themselves to seeking the face of God. For my own life, this has annually been a special time during which the Spirit of Revelation has seemed to be greater upon my life. So what should we expect in 5776 (at the Head of the New Year)?
Here are some of the things that the Lord has been highlighting to me for this year:
• An unusual movement of the Holy Spirit is beginning among nomads or the displaced people of the earth seeking refuge in the natural – but they will find it in the Lord Himself. Tens of thousands of Muslims will come to faith in Jesus as their one true God!
• The Word of God will be "alive and active" and we will learn to meditate, speak and declare the Word of Life. There will be a revival of the Word of God!
• A fresh wave of equipping the saints will crash in upon the shores of the Church empowering Believers to be "sent ones" into the fields of Harvest.(Photo by Robert Bartow A reset button will be pushed for many people's lives, marriages, families, economics and a time of dreams being fulfilled. It's time to dream again!
• It's a time of reaping the seed sown in previous seasons. God remembers your prayers, labors and tears and He will reward you.
James W. G.