(Prophetess Evelyn)
Prophetic Word: Make Way For The New
Make way for the New
A fresh wave of God’s anointing is coming to His people. Make way for the new says the Lord.
Make way for the new. Many of you are feeling empty dry and thirsty. Many are weary and
discouraged. The Lords says don’t give in to the lies of your enemy. Victory is close.
I see a small opening, a hole the size of a dime, with light streaming through.
Pray my people. Don’t give up. Your time is coming. I have placed seeds within you. Those
seeds will spring fourth into abundance. Trust wholly in me. The dead shall be raised to life.
Many will turn to me. Upon you shall my great power rest. Demons will be cast out with a
single word. The addicts will be set free. Who can stand against my mighty power? The sick
will be made well. A great and mighty army you are. The demons even the prince of demons
shudder at your rising. Who can stand against my awesome powers. What can I not do through
my people who are yielded to me. What will be hidden from my beloved? The secrets of heaven
and earth shall be revealed to those whose trust is in me. My beloved I will prepare a table
before you in the presence of your enemies. The world will see that I love you and I have chosen
you as my own to reveal my love and power to the world. Do not give in to discouragement my
children. Stay the course. Continue to love, honor and obey me. You are my very own special
possession. The world will see me when they see you.