Now you must know that you
ave to keep the faith that you will meet
the one that God has already ordained for you from planet heaven . It’s not
something that might happen, but it’s something that has already happened in
the spirit. It’s already written in your book in heaven. Do you know what that
means? It means it’s already done! You just have to live it out and recognize
that the enemy doesn’t want it to be fulfilled. So, fight back. Fight the good
fight of faith.Perhaps you have gotten frustrated or even fearful that it might
not happen. Repeat after me, “It’s Already Done!” So, you’re not praying to God
in hopes that it will happen. You should be thanking Him in advance that it has
already happened. That’s 1 way to confuse the enemy to be praising God when
they think you should be sad. Satan has just been trying to mess with you.
Satan and his demons have just been working so hard trying to block it. So, you
need to know how to fight back.
No, you won’t have to fight
and war for everything. God gives us rest from war. Some battles Christ will
fight for you and some battles, Christ will fight through you! I know the enemy
has been fighting you for a long time in this area. This is why I emphasize the
importance of knowing how to strategically fight back!Let’s face it, you’re a
major threat to the enemy and they’re fighting you hard in the area of
relationships because of what you and your spouse will accomplish together. You
must see it for what it is. It is a fight against your destiny! It is a fight
against the purpose and assignment that you and your spouse are to fulfill
together in the earth!Satan may have found a way to delay it or block it, but
he won’t be able to stop it because you are not a quitter. You are the child of
the King of Kings. You are a warrior! You have already won this battle in
heaven, and it’s just a matter of manifesting the victory on earth.
So, don’t let the enemy
come in and rob you of your joy. Don’t bite the bait of the enemy! Get your joy
in the Lord back. Focus in on Christ! Focus in on what Christ wants you to do
now! You have the power to change the world around you, and there are people
waiting for you to bring change!So, when you’re engaging the enemy in spiritual
warfare, also fight for your spouse. They need your prayers as well. Don’t
quit! Don’t let loneliness talk to you. Ignore it. I know the battle has been
long, but the results will exceed your expectations. Think about all the good
times you and the 1 will have together.When did you stop dreaming? When did you
become frustrated? When did you become a quitter? That’s not who you are.
That’s not what God is saying about you! Stop buying the lies of the enemy! You
are loved by God, and you will be loved by the 1. It is already done! It is
already done! Do you hear me? It is ALREADY DONE!!
Remember Stay in faith! Get
excited again about meeting the 1! I rejoice with you, and I am looking forward
to your praise report! You’ve already met the 1 in the spirit, now it’s time
for them to manifest in the natural.