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Friday, September 7, 2018

Prayer For Protection Against Evil Spirits

Prayer For Protection Against Evil Spirits

 Prayer For Protection Against Evil Spirits 
We all need God’s protection to live longer in life. That divine protection is fully guarantee only when your ways are upright with the Lord. Effective prayers can remove the veil of the enemy. 
For example, a person who indulges  in voodoo, charms are excepted from that covering. If you have more evil spirits after your then you need to declare serious spiritual warfare. God’s agenda is for us to stay healthy and live longer. But sometimes we see people going dead, some went into a car accident and die instantly. 
While others slept and never wake up. There are many today who supposed to have been dead but by God’s preservation, they are still counted among the living today. Unless we are under God’s arm, our lives would be vulnerable to satanic attacks. 
Evil spirit usually attack people in various ways either through dream or by strange arrows. However, God’s word is the weapon that can fight and defeat all evil spirits harassing us. Divine protection from evil spirits does not occur; you must work it out and make it happen. You need to stay from all manners of sins – evil practices – witchcraft etc. 
There is no point playing into the hands of the enemy by doing things that could take our lives and render us dust. We must be cautious in this world of evil and danger, but we do not need to fear and worry! We must know God’s Word and obey it in order to avoid certain dangers and temptations. We must put on the whole armor of God. We must hear God and follow the Holy Spirit in every situation of our lives. J
 These prayers of protection against evil spirits are offered as a way of hiding you from your enemies. A true child of God comes under the shadow of the Almighty where no harm can reach him or her. God jealously protect his children by keeping awake and watching over his own.  Psalm 121:4 says, God neither slumbers nor sleeps. What a wonderful privileged  we have in God. Whoever wants to smite you will first smite God  before getting at you.
 And When you are in Christ Jesus you don’t need to entertain in your heart no matter the ways devil is dealing with some of your closer friends or relations.  In order for God to protect you from evil works and attacks, you must  give your life to Christ. If you have done so, there is still room for you to rededicate your life to Christ. 
Pleading the blood of Jesus and reading Psalmist could serve as full divine insurance. 
Prayer Assignment. Read any of the following powerful Bible verses during the day or mostly at night.
 They are considered to be effective as ever. Psalm 7; Psalm 27; Psalm 31; Psalm 34; Psalm 35; Psalm 52; Psalm 59;   Psalms 140:4, 
“Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings.” 
 Father, I thank you for the gift of life and sound health, in Jesus name.
 Father, I thank you for your spirit of love and mercy  upon my life. 
Father, many people died without fulfilling their purpose. 
Thank you my Lord for always been there to protect me from all evil attacks. 
Every witchcraft hand placed on my star, wither by fire, in Jesus name.
 Let the resurrection power of our Lord Jesus come upon my buried virtues, in the name of Jesus.
 You ancestral snakes of my father’s house, be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name. 
Evil enchanters using charm to attack my gift, die by fire, in Jesus name.
 Fear go by fire, boldness enter me, in the name of Jesus. 
Mysterious moon monitoring me, cease by fire, in the name of Jesus. 
Let any charm poured on my doorpost to capture my star to catch fire, in Jesus name.
 O God arise with all your weapon of war and fight my battles, in Jesus name.
 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that have set themselves against me, in the name of Jesus.
 Lion of the Tribe of Judah protect me in all days of my life, in Jesus name
. O Lord, reveal the powers that are making my life to be miserable, in Jesus name.
 O Lord, I thank you for sending back all evil arrows targeted against me, in Jesus name. 
Angels of God, locate me and my family and hide us from armed robbery attacks.
 I apply the blood of Jesus upon my life and my door post against evil operations. 
Any power that has concluded to waste me tonight shall be wasted by fire. 
Blood of Jesus defend your interest in my life, in the name of Jesus. 
Every power assigned to oppress me in my sleep tonight, you are a failure! 
It is impossible for the enemy to proclaim victory over me. 
So therefore, I command all their powers, scheme, devices to be paralyzed by fire, in Jesus name. 
As I go out today, let your presence go with me and let your power keep me to back home in safety.
The evil arrows that fiftieth by day and the noisome pestilence will not get hold of me, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, 
I need your protection from evil attacks, surround me with your wall of protection, in the name of Jesus.
 Any area of my life that is attracting the spirit of darkness be closed by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
 Holy Spirit fire destroy all evil hands assigned to manipulate me, in Jesus name.