Over our consciousness,
The world no longer sees any wrong in the evil act they carry out. Sexual Sins
Once the first sin then demonic action is carried out, it creates a satanic illusion and a basis one at that in one's mind. This sin demonic illusion, first of all, creates a demonic image of the benefits of what one just did and making one feel that they are into a competition as others would soon take over the opportunity from them.
This is what happens when people are infatuated by demons, and they start having a sexual relationship with demons and then in them, this demon will reign. This is why 90 percent of the world is sexually under attack. This is why satan sale sex like he does to capture the world of mankind.
Snails many children are the lord says in Yah Jesus name
IF when YOU SEE YOURSELF picking snails in YOUR dreams THIS, MEANS that IN THE SPIRIT REALM YOUR OWN CHILDREN ARE SNAILS IN REAL LIFE THEY HAVE THAT SPIRIT this automatically qualifies physically as children. This is an example of a demonic illusion. Snails have no blood in them this is true about your children the enemy has to drain their blood and they are really the walking dead. This is why you must cancel theses dreams and fast and pay for your children.
God referred to Abraham
To the stars and sand in the seashore, and not to snails,
And these where physical references and not dreams. How can one imagine having children that are like snails? We know that snails don't have blood in them, and so if the child is represented as a snail, then that child is lifeless because it is blood that contains life.
Be wise!
Seeing animals in your dreams most OF THE time is the onset of demonic possession. Plucking or gathering the fruits of a tree may in most Battles Beyond The Physical cases not represent children OF GOD!!!. They are mostly demonic representations of the good things God has kept for you, which certainly they have mutilated or they are trying to mutilate.
And you will begin to notice that even WITCHES EVIL WORKERS tell you similar dreams, which will now make you feel that both the seers of God and them are virtually one and the same. This is the reason many are yet to differentiate a fake prophet from a genuine prophet of God. God reveals to me the exact image of what is about to happen and showing me snails as children, for instance. Why would God play games for instance, He is not a man that He should lie. He talks to me in plain language, and not to show me animals as children, or the fruits of a tree as children.
Pray So that God
Should speak to you in plain language, and be ready to tune your spirit to receive Him. I saw myself some time ago in a dream, inside a thick forest. Then a source of light appeared, and I walked out of the forest towards that source of light. This was how I got my breakthrough. I have fought with animals before in my dreams and they were defeated BY God POWER.
It is high time we grew up. Don't fight with dogs and serpents in your dreams; pray that God should reveal the people under demonic spells, who are now hunting you. And once you get such a revelation, meet them and tell Satanic Sexual Affinities
Let them know you see them, and that you know their evil plots.
Demonic illusion
Is IN what causes theses kind of dream and will only lure us into disobeying God YAHUAH . This is the satanic cloud that actually resulted in the perspective element. For instance, when ONE sin AND attend parties where people are drinking, womanizing, smoking, dancing to worldly music, seduction, etc, gradually demons will begin to make us appreciate the events going on. And once we allow this happens the sinful cycle is initiated.