Arrows are demonic weapon of mass destruction launched from a strand altar to steal (loss), decimate, scatter, shatter and batter the victim. Arrows come in form of invisible projections, pestilence, missiles, onslaught, attacks, gadgets and devices of satan. Evil arrows are sent by satan to steal, kill and destroy. They are very subtle and come in different ways, forms, shape, designs and fashions. They are programmed and projected from evil altars which are launching pads for demonic onslaught or attacks. Most evil arrows come through dream during sleep including eating in the dream and all kinds of dream manipulations to abort, truncate destiny by suffocating
God's plan and purpose for that life. Some arrows cause degradation, retrogression, destruction and death after it finishes it's assignment. Arrows or pestilence come in form of sickness, disease, cancers, poverty, confusion, divorce, depression, rejection, barrenness, failure, poverty, spiritual blindness, stroke, anger, heart attack, diabetes, madness, depression, demotion, organ failure, tumors, dream feeding, miscarriages, fatigue, blindness, loss, deafness
, AIDS, crippling arthritis, loss, bondage, and gradual destruction or sudden death. In fact, most witchcraft attacks come in form of evil arrows. Arrows can be gradual or progressive, intermittent or sudden or more dramatic. It can hit the target and kill head-on. It can miss and hit the subordinates, children, husband, wife or vulnerable assistants or pets. Otherwise it can go back to the sender or evil launching pad or altar (boomerang or goes back to sender). Intercessors, deliverers and prophetic watchmen take arrows meant for others.