productive and Powerful Partnership With ME!
September 9, 2019 JProphetess June
September 9, 2019 JProphetess June
“I have come to destroy the works of the devil, and to liberate you from his diabolical assignments against you,” says The LORD.
“You will not be a prisoner or held in captivity, or a slave to his plans. I have GOOD plans for you, and the thoughts that I have for you are constructive and productive.
“I will bring them to pass as you entrust your entire life to Me and believe that I AM on your side,” says The LORD.
“Do not repeat after the negative words the enemy is speaking against you, but repeat after ME,” says The LORD.
“Let your conversation be filled with faith in Me, and faith in My good work in your life. Because you have received Me as your Savior and LORD and trusted in My redemption for you by My finished work on the cross, you are a brand-new creation.
“I do not make you imperfect. Believe that My work in you is good, and know that you are important, and your life work will be productive, valuable, fruitful and powerful as you partner with Me and trust that My goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life, and your righteousness is of Me,” says The LORD.