I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eats of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." (John 6:51, KJV) The lord let me figure this out.
It means this
Yah Jesus dies for us he gave up his flesh as the bread of life on the calvery. So, therefore, he became the third bread of life. The first Was God then the Holy Spirit then Yah Jesus,
Yah sacrifices his body to be the bread of our lives. This is the true communion. Eating of his bread by excepting him living for him breathing for him and surviving off of him his life he gave for us .
H e is the only bread of life that we can feed off of and sustain life to get to feed off of God and the Holy Spirit is to feed off of Yah Jesus who is the tree of life, by living in him nursing off on him the tree of life.
Branches without a tree can not survive.Yah is the tree we live us and commute with he is true communion.
Not Bread or crakers or wine or purple juice, That is the Roman Catloits pagan demonic ways. Making you in a convent with lucifer be bless
A.P. Rosalind Solomon