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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Warning Assnation attempt on President Obama life and To the USA word ...

Fast forward if you like to 15.56 it will stop at 25.00 minutes about the President  Also /God sayeth to me one would come before the tsunami hit Eastern sea broad us. And I believe this is it.God sayeth to me this would be a warning for Nations and especial USA. to repent for it shall be worse for us sayeth the lord .So pray other nations and USA repent so God will stop it from coming .Millions will die on our land and sea broad  when it  comes.  I mean really all must repent even if you feel you don't have to, we are all responsible for this mess in America in one way or another. That is why God sayeth we all must repent for our self and nations.                                            

Philippines was more so a very poor nations. Why cause of idolatry among other things. When a country or nation is that poor it is a Poverty Principality demon with 8 territorial demons under it and 50-500.00 thousand agent with it in that nation land or country in   USA there is millions.  You notice USA has never really suffer like other nations especially third world country.  Because we had the father blessing and hands on us he loves us. Now we to will see and feel the Wrath of God like never before it   will be worse than any other nation or country. Why Cause he loves us a lot a lot comes and came from us .Christianity  rush out from USA belly worldwide and we have fed billions more than any place in the history of man .Why Why do you think he has held his hand for so long from us why do you think so many other places are getting it instead of us?    He is giving out nations time to repent .God does not want to wipe us out. Yes things has to happen for Jesus to come. However Guest what we would live longer in this world. God would love that. Because it would give more time for more people   to come to him so he can save all 7.3 billion in the world, worldwide.  Think about this every time a Soul is lost Jesus cries, I meant he really cry's nothing like us.

You could not handle how he cry’s that is how much he loves us and wants us with him. Can you  image every time one dies and Jesus see satan  snatch them and take them through the tunnel of hell See Jesus cannot do anything with all his power and authority all because he will not force man will. Because God deem we would have our own will. And if Jesus force our will he go against God and himself and he have to destroy himself. And that is not happening God will destroy man and this world before that can or will never happens sayeth the lord.  

God just told me this morning for me personally and he said to tell others and aim going to say the rest of   it on prayer line tomorrow night. I will tell you one of the things he has told me. He has told me someone will be departing from there house soon in my family. See house means us our vessel that house our soul and spirit. Once you die you depart your earthly house. So God is preparing me for this person in my family dyeing. He does this with me. I said God ok   ,is this word just for me or others. God sayeth to me tell others that many house will be departed in coming seasons. Some for sin they won’t stop or repent for .Some will be martyr.   Some will die before time cause of being turn over to a probated mind aka turning one to his or her desire sin.  And some because it I s there time to Go. Also I told you guys before God sayeth this Halloween would be like none other. I will tell you on prayer line what God has finally reveal to me about that .Ok I have type to long now. Be bless chat soon love you all in King Jesus name .Prayer line begins tomorrow PS God told me this prayer line is a anointed prayer line that angels will be  with me and him as well. Meaning a powerful prayer line. I did not want to do this again a prayer line. I have so much already to do.  

However I must be obeying To Our God and do it for however long he needs me to. I think God wants to do special things for people through me   and his ministry he is allowing me to govern over for him on earth. Glory to God. So spread the word. As we together Joinery through our Gods Journey in learn About The Heavens Ministry. Amen

Dial-in Number: Prayer line begins tomorrow at 8:30 pm to 1:00 pm USA Eastern Standard Time/Number to call: 1-860-970-0000   ex. 21963 Conference Code to enter in.