God bless!
2nd Oct.
I feel such an excitement in the Spirit today and I heard the Lord saying "I am going to blow your socks off with what I am about to do IN YOU, THROUGH YOU and FOR YOU!!!" Get ready to go to a new level of wide eyed awe of His goodness, love and faithfulness.
3rd Oct..
This is an "in over your head" season. The Lord is taking you way past your ability and expectation. It's not about your ability but your availability. New levels and realms of the "new". Don't be afraid! Stay yielded and surrendered. Keep an ear on His chest, for He is about to lead you into completely new levels of anointing, gifting, territory and expansion and when you stand in the midst of it completely in over your head and you see the biggest explosion of breakthrough and move of His Spirit that you have ever seen, you will KNOW that it's not by might, nor by power but by His Spirit. This "in over your head season" is bringing the greatest stretching over His people to prepare them to see Him move in and through them more than they could ever have dreamed. It is time for new levels of signs and wonders! It's revival time!